There are quite a few ways you can customize your session.
Find out about all possible options here: ConfigObject
Set the desired config options as parameter on create
In the following example:
const { create, Client } = require('@open-wa/wa-automate');
// or
// import { create, Client } from '@open-wa/wa-automate';
const launchConfig = {
useChrome: true,
sessionId: 'hr'
function start(client) {
client.onMessage(async message => {
if (message.body === 'Hi') {
await client.sendText(message.from, '👋 Hello!');
If you want to kill the process after a certain amount of seconds due to an unscanned code, you can now set the qrTimeout parameter in the configuration object. You can also use authTimeout if you want to wait only a certain period of time to wait for the session to connect to the phone.
qrTimeout: 30, //kills the session if the QR code is not scanned within 30 seconds.
authTimeout: 30 //kills the session if the session hasn't authentication 30 seconds (e.g If the session has the right credentials but the phone is off).
.then(client => start(client));
In version v1.6.13^, you can now refresh the QR code every 10 seconds (you can change the interval).
autoRefresh:false, //default to true
qrRefreshS:30 //please note that if this is too long then your qr code scan may end up being invalid. Generally qr codes expire every 15 seconds.
}).then(async client => await start(client));
The actual browser window you use is called a head
, by default the library runs a chrome session headless (i.e in the background - you don't see it). If you want the browser to open up to see what's going on you can set headless
to false
headless: false
}).then(async client => await start(client));