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Create a Group

Use createGroup to create a new group, first parameter is the group name, the second parameter is the contact ids to add as participants. There needs to be at least one participant.

  client.createGroup('Cool new group','xxxxxxxxx@c.us') //you can also send an array of ids.

Managing Participants

addParticipant - add a participant removeParticipant - remove a particpant promoteParticipant - Make a participant admin demoteParticipant - remove participant as admin


Listening to participant changes of a specific group

You can react to when participants are added and removed. onParticipantsChanged emits a ParticipantChangedEventModel.

client.onParticipantsChanged("XXXXXXXX-YYYYYYYY@g.us", (participantChangedEvent) => console.log("participant changed for group", participantChangedEvent));

//participantChangedEvent returns
  by: 'XXXXXXXXXXX@c.us', //who performed the action
  action: 'remove',
  who: [ 'XXXXXXXXX@c.us' ] //all the numbers the action effects.

This solution can result in some false positives and misfires however a lot of effort has been made to mitigate this to a reasonable level. Best practice is to maintian a seperate registry of participants and go from that.

Listen to participant changes globally

[[onGlobalParticipantsChanged]] is a simple and memory efficient way to listen to all participant changes from all groups. This is an Insider's Feature.

client.onGlobalParticipantsChanged((participantChangedEvent) => console.log("participant changed for group", participantChangedEvent));

//participantChangedEvent returns
  by: 'XXXXXXXXXXX@c.us', //who performed the action
  action: 'remove',
  who: [ 'XXXXXXXXX@c.us' ] //all the numbers the action effects.