Represents [[onAck]]
Represents [[onAddedToGroup]]
Represents [[onAnyMessage]]
Represents [[onBattery]]
Represents [[onBroadcast]]
Represents [[onButton]]
Represents [[onChatDeleted]]
Represents [[onChatOpened]]
Represents [[onChatState]]
Requires licence Represents [[onContactAdded]]
Represents [[onGlobalParticipantsChanged]]
Represents [[onIncomingCall]]
Represents [[onLabel]]
Represents [[onLogout]]
Represents [[onMessage]]
Represents [[onMessageDeleted]]
Requires licence Represents [[onNewProduct]]
Requires licence Represents [[onContactAdded]]
Represents [[onPlugged]]
Requires licence Represents [[onReaction]]
Requires licence Represents [[onRemovedFromGroup]]
Represents [[onStateChanged]]
Requires licence Represents [[onStory]]
An enum of all the "simple listeners". A simple listener is a listener that just takes one parameter which is the callback function to handle the event.